Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why the Internet HASN'T replaced TV just yet

As mentioned yesterday, when reports of the death of Steve Irwin started circulating, people flooded the internet. Sure, radio stations also reported large amounts of phone traffic and I'm sure there were pay tv subscribers that flocked to the news stations.

My memory is cast back to "9/11", the anniversary of which will be shortly upon us. In Australia, it was late in the evening. I vividly recall, as would many people, what they were doing when they heard the news, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but here goes.... watching Jerry Springer (it's my hubby who liked to watch), but of course those days are long past. In fact just about all TV viewing is long past. Anyway, I'm digressing, I remember seeing a news flash on the bottom of the screen and for the next couple of hours (and it was late already), we were riveted to the TV - CNN if I recall.

How these 5 years (gosh has it been "that" long) have changed us. Yesterday, for the breaking news, a vast majority of people turned to the internet. The variety of sources are attractive - you can find what you need in matter of seconds, and if site "a" doesn't contain the information you need, there's always site "b". TV channel surfing is not as immediately gratifying, or necessarily informative - you have to WAIT for the infomation you need.

I really don't watch TV these days. I used to enjoy ER, but that hasn't been on in a while. I can't remember the last movie I watched & the last TV show I made a point of watching was Andrew Denton's "Enough Rope", because it had Natalie Verdon from "LifeArt" doing a "show & tell" on her coffins. Before that .... hmm it was the series on ABC about the kids who went to the Science Olympiad (and my mum would ring me every Thursday to remind me it was on. She was concerned when it finished that she wouldn't have an excuse to ring me every week because, unlike many mothers, she doesn't like to "bother me" because she "knows" how busy I am - she's so sweet - oops digressing again).

Usually, late at night, we switch on the bedroom TV. Haven't worried about pay TV in the bedroom. But what's this crap on after midnight? I tell you, SBS must be carving up the late night ratings. 3 crappy game shows on 7, 9 & 10. WTF? I'd nearly rather watch the "infomercials" I got so accustomed to in hospital after every birth (4 of them). Or even Richard Wilkins' "Keynotes". Anything but this insulting crap. Honestly, if one of the major stations put on anything half decent, they'd get the viewers - surely.

Well, ranting / raving now. I suppose the point that I was getting to is that, if I was drawn to watch the 11.30 news last night and the channel 7 Steve Irwin special tonight and a bit of ACA last night, then there must have been millions more than me. THAT is the drawing power of television.

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